Drawing of the future cabin

Camelot Bunkhouse Project

A core part of the MITOC community, and in particular our access to the mountains, continues to be our well-loved “Camelot” cabin, located in central New Hampshire. As you may know, Camelot was built in the 1970s (on a shoestring budget), and it is nearing the end of its useful life. Since 2013, the Outing Club has been working to build new, safe and modern sleeping quarters on the Camelot property, which will ensure that MITOC can fulfill our mission for decades to come.

MITOC partnered with Maclay Architects to design a new bunkhouse for Camelot which will be located approximately 100m from the existing cabin. The new bunkhouse will contain five bedrooms (sleeping ten persons each), a large central hallway, and a covered deck. We anticipate the cost of the new bunkhouse to be approximately $500,000.

With the design now complete, we are actively seeking donations. If you are able, please consider donating to help us hit our fundraising target in 2025. We broke ground on site preparation in 2024, and fundraising permitting, we will complete the new bunkhouse in 2025. This project will ensure we can fulfill our mission for the next generation of MITOCers.

Sea kayaking allows one to explore the ocean’s coastline at a quiet pace, see wildlife, and travel to remote beaches. It also offers the excitement of playing in the waves or crossing to nearby islands. New England offers some of the best coastal sea kayaking in the country, and there are also beautiful lakes that can be explored by sea kayak.

The sea kayak chair aims to organize beginner and experienced paddle trips each season as well as teach basic skills. The types of trips depend on member experience. Trips are announced on the paddle mailing list.

Sea Kayak Rental

MITOC owns a variety of sea kayaks that are for rental. These include several singles and two tandems. The club also has the related gear of spray skirts, life jackets and paddles. Any other gear must be supplied by the user.

Sea kayaks are restricted gear; before renting you will need to do the following:

  1. Be a MITOC member
  2. Have completed a boathouse training/work session annually
  3. E-mail the boathouse managers to check for boat availability and experience criterion
  4. File a float plan form and wait for approval
  5. Get boathouse key from the MITOC office during office hours
  6. After your trip, a brief report to the sea kayak chair would be appreciated about any issues with the boats as well as any comments of interest about your experience

For more detailed information about renting sea kayaks, see the boathouse rental page.

You should be able to swim and know the basics of paddling, wet exit, self rescue, and how to use and care for the boats. If the North Atlantic is the destination, be aware that the water is cold and conditions can change quickly, so be experienced and prepared.

Please make your arrangements with the sea kayak chair at least a day before you will check out the boathouse key, to be sure the chair can be contacted and the procedure can be completed. You will check out the boathouse key and leave the appropriate deposit during office hours.