Drawing of the future cabin

Camelot Bunkhouse Project

A core part of the MITOC community, and in particular our access to the mountains, continues to be our well-loved “Camelot” cabin, located in central New Hampshire. As you may know, Camelot was built in the 1970s (on a shoestring budget), and it is nearing the end of its useful life. Since 2013, the Outing Club has been working to build new, safe and modern sleeping quarters on the Camelot property, which will ensure that MITOC can fulfill our mission for decades to come.

MITOC partnered with Maclay Architects to design a new bunkhouse for Camelot which will be located approximately 100m from the existing cabin. The new bunkhouse will contain five bedrooms (sleeping ten persons each), a large central hallway, and a covered deck. We anticipate the cost of the new bunkhouse to be approximately $500,000.

With the design now complete, we are actively seeking donations. If you are able, please consider donating to help us hit our fundraising target in 2025. We broke ground on site preparation in 2024, and fundraising permitting, we will complete the new bunkhouse in 2025. This project will ensure we can fulfill our mission for the next generation of MITOCers.

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Lists by Activity

discussions about indoor & outdoor climbing, announcements of member climbing trips, attempts to find climbing partners, climbing trip reports
information about the climbing wall, climbing wall hours, climbing wall questions
details about climber-oriented yoga classes coordinated by MITOC
discussions about white-water, flatwater, and sea kayaking and canoeing; announcements of paddling trips; paddling trip reports
all things surfing related including trips and lessons
discussions about backcountry skiing, announcements of member backcountry trips, attempts to find skiing partners, backcountry trip reports.
all things mountaineering
all things mountain biking: trips, reports and discussion
all things related to windsurfing and other wind sports
expedition team (advanced mountaineering)
all things about running in the mountains

Regional Lists

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San Francisco Bay Area
Southern California
Seattle, Washington
Alps region, Germany / Switzerland / Italy
US Rocky Mountain region - Colorado, New Mexico and Wyoming

Other Lists

For anyone who wants to help out with the cabin’s ongoing improvements and maintanence.
gear tips and tricks, questions about gear, available sales and deals
All things housing - solicitations for roommates, subletting, etc.
mountaineering committee list: information, discussion, and coordination of training sessions and major mountaineering excursions.
announcements for the free shuttle from MIT campus to MetroRock Boston
topics related to environmental conservation, trail building, animal rescue

Questions or problems?

All users should be able to use the above links to subscribe to these lists. If you keep having problems with our list maintenance utility Mailman or have questions about the lists, email mitoc-owner@mit.edu with your question. This is not an automatic subscription service, so please be friendly.